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Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course Completion Ceremony, Speech By Mr. Chen Jia Le, China


(WAki International Media Center 17th December) Spokesperson Mr. Chen Jia Le from China on Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course Completion Ceremony on 26th November 2021.

My heartfelt thanks to Mr. Teo Choo Guan, Chairman of Waki International Group, who always guides me, thanks to Venerable Chao Khun Laow for teaching us the way to recite the Mahasayama Sutta and give us dhamma talk. I felt comfortable and at ease when I chant the Mahasayama sutta and read the buddhist books. I will try to do good deeds and to further improve myself.

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My heartfelt thanks to the Buddha, my parents, my family, my colleagues, my friends. I feel so grateful for the Buddha’s blessing—my family being in good health.

The Buddha teaching leads me:

Be free from worrying, and have a calm mind;

Be contented, walk the middle path;

Be compassionate and do good deeds regardless big or small,

Remind me to be a good person and always to learn the dhamma

Thanks to Mr. Teo Choo Guan and Chao Khun Laow. Thanks to all the blessing from the Sangha members. Thank you.

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